There is so much to learn about the plants, trees and animals in our park. Here are a few of the current plants in the park.

The carpenteria is a flowering evergreen shrub native to the Sierra Nevada foothills. In the same family as hydrangeas. It flowers in the spring.
Flannel Bush (Fremontodendron)

Large flowering bush native to the Southwestern US and Northwest Mexico. Flowers in the spring time.
One of the Five Islands

There are five native plant islands established in 2011 by Pat Pizzo. These islands are maintained by MFPA. The plants are drought resistant, but are maintained by drip irrigation, also established by MFPA, to ensure the plants survive the hot San Jose summers.
Also Part of the Five Islands

The crushed granite pathway in the park was paid for, installed and is maintained by MFPA.
California Poppies

These wild flowers are the state flower. They are not planted but reseed themselves throughout the area. Please do not pick or interfere with these flowers.
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